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Well, it is official. I am on Twitter – @TeachinginYYJ -A bit of a presumptuous handle, but I’ve decided to think positively.

I have resisted for the past few weeks as I couldn’t handle the thought of another social media platform to manage, but the push came when Joanna shared that she uses Twitter because it’s a platform many of her students wouldn’t creep. Sold. My Instagram is not that incriminating, but I don’t want it associated with teaching.

Since joining, I have started following a lot of educators that I’ve met over the years. It appears to be a great way to keep in touch on a professional level. I follow a few colleagues on Instagram but commenting on people’s dogs or special occasions, when they’re more of a work associate isn’t quite the venue. I am going to make a point of keeping Twitter strictly educational/teaching oriented. Almost like a social media platform for my professional life.

I really loved seeing all the different ceremonies and recognitions for Truth and Reconciliation Day that different schools posted. I also got a chuckle from this post by @teachergoals

Jesse Miller really opened my eyes to digital consent in the classroom. Of course, I would never have posted a child’s face on social media or made an inappropriate comment regarding a child, but I was unaware of some of the intricacies involved in a child’s digital footprint in the classroom. I figure if I treat every child like their parent has the same knowledge as Jesse Miller, I should be safe 😂